Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Surgery Recovery

Well, we have many praise reports. Since Zeke's surgery, he's been like a different baby. He's slowly starting to sleep better, eat better, and just be more content. He's gaining some weight and we're taking him in for another weight check later this week so hopefully we'll find out he's gained even more.
We also have a prayer request. Since Zeke's surgery, he has developed "dumping syndrome" which is basically just bad diarrhea with each feeding. The surgeon said this is normal, but it's been hard on Zeke. Please pray that the dumping will stop and he will be able to eat without diarrhea again.
Thank you all for your prayers! When Zeke had his follow up with the surgeon he said that Zeke was doing better with his recovery than most children do and I'm sure this is due to all of the prayer.

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